Based on the Gundam Seed Destiny anime, the Buster Gundam model kit is in 1/100 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. Buster Gundam comes with a high-energy rifle and gun launcher that can be combined into a very large projectile gun. Hatches for missile pods can be opened to reveal individual colored missiles.



- 1/100 Scale

- Made of plastic

- From Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny

- Fully articulated figure once complete

- Instructions may or may not include English translation



- Pieces to build

- Buster Gundam

- High-energy rifle

- Gun launcher

- Foil sticker

- Decal

- Instructions


Scale: 1:100
Age 15+
Material PVC
Choking hazard, small parts


SKU HC29067
Barcode # 4573102629067
Brand Bandai
Shipping Weight 0.8000kg